What Is Your Money-Life Connection

When you work with a financial planner or coach in the Chicago, IL area, it’s easy to focus on money only. After all, that’s a part of the process! Looking at balance statements, talking about asset allocation, considering tax strategies, setting up budgets and cash flow, monitoring your net worth and projections – it all,


Should You Financially Help Your Adult Child

Becoming financially independent during one’s 20s and 30s is becoming that much more difficult with each passing year.  Many young adults are drowning beneath student loan debt, credit card debt, auto loans, and mortgages.   The cost of postsecondary education and housing have skyrocketed to the point that, in many cases, only the children of the


Afraid of Running out of Money? 6 Ideas to Consider

Have you imagined running out of money during retirement and going back to work?  You can prevent this nightmare scenario by preparing for your golden years in the present moment.  The assistance of a fiduciary CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® Planner will prove invaluable as you plan your financial future.   Let’s take a quick look at six


When Emotional Investing Hurts You

Emotions have run high this year In Libertyville, IL and beyond. The U.S. has faced a major global pandemic, choppy economic times, plummeting equities earlier in the year and then new highs and contentious political times.  All of these factors and more may cause investors in Libertyville to give in to emotional investing. Emotional investing


Turning 50? The Best Financial Moves Now

Turning 50 is a significant milestone for many reasons. Your children may be grown and leaving home. Retirement, which has seemed far in the future for decades, suddenly looms as a real thing that will occur.   Are you on the right financial path? Contact Prism Planning Partners today!   As a result, 50 serves