Small Business Owners

Small Business Owners

Over the years, your small business has become an extension of yourself. After years of hard work, you feel ready to take on a new endeavor. But how do you make a successful transition from full-time owner and CEO to thriving retiree? Specifically for small business owners, we offer the following services in addition to our comprehensive financial planning: 

  • Review of the current state of business affairs – tax returns, cash flow, and financial statements, buy/sell agreements. If desired, and you don’t have legal or tax professionals in place, we can assist with recommending an outside professional 
  • Review of current retirement savings programs for the business
  • “What If” review – If something bad happens to the business, would you be impacted 
  • Financial life planning services for business partners – How do you feel about the current state of your business? Are you and your partners in agreement about future plans?


Financial Advisor to Small Business Owners