Recent volatility in financial markets has made planning for retirement as challenging as it’s ever been. In addition to calculating how much an individual must set aside to build up an adequate retirement nest egg, the question of how best to invest those funds becomes a much more challenging feat in volatile times.
For business owners, retirement planning can prove even more complex. Often, the inherent value of a business may provide a substantial portion of its owner’s retirement assets. Is this wise? Or is it more prudent to instead diversify, and set aside funds in unrelated investments?
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(1) Tami Gurley-Calvez, Kandice Kapinos, and Donald Bruce, December 2012 Retirement, Recessions And Older Small Business Owners
(2) Abigail Summerville PUBLISHED THU, JUL 27 2017 Survey: 34% of entrepreneurs lack retirement savings plan
(3) Employee Benefit Research Institute: 2019 Retirement Confidence Survey Summary Report April 23, 2019
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