Small Business Owners in Northeastern Illinois

Without a doubt, business owners wear many hats. With so little time, it may be overwhelming to think about life beyond your business. But one thing you probably know – To achieve success, you must build and trust a dedicated team. At Prism Planning Partners, we have helped small business owners like you. In fact,


Retired or About to Retire

Modern times have brought a new definition to the term “retired.” Some retired people start an encore career that keeps them more fulfilled than they have ever been before. Others work part-time, pursuing a gig or part-time job that provides extra cash flow while allowing them the freedom to pursue their passions such as blogging,


Tell Us Your Story

Anyone who is open to our help is a friend of ours! Tell us your story. Let’s discuss your challenges and goals and we bet you’ll find you aren’t as atypical as you think… People falling into this category typically: Have experienced a life event such as an inheritance, divorce, or change in family dynamics